

Lightweight Pop Up Flatbed Truck Camper with Internal Shower

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The Flat Bed Model is designed to fit on the Full Sized trucks that have a 6.0′ – 6’6″ bed. For this camper model you will also need to have a Flat Bed Tray installed. The Flatbed Models are only offered in one floor plan (shown below). This is a sample interior rendering. Siding, fabrics, and options can change depending on the final options you choose for your new camper. Here are some key benefits. 1.The rugged light weight aluminum frame and low profile design greatly reduce vehicle and driver strain, while maximizing fuel efficiency. 2.Hard and soft side materials and craftsmanship translate to decades of use in most any environment. 3.The one-piece, light weight aluminum roof is water proof and handles decades of ups and downs. 4.Flatbed Models offer more interior living space and also have storage space under the cabover bed. These models can be a great choice for people spending a lot of time on the road camping. ******************************************************************** If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. AND PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTWk... OUR WEBSITE:www.ecocampor.com ******************************************************************** #camper #truck camper living #4x4 truck camper,truck camper tour,best truck camper,truck camper life,diy truck camper,van life,pick up truck camper,truck camper remodel,overland,pop up camper,lance truck campers,full time truck camper,perfect truck camper,truck bed camper,overlanding,truck camper,ecocampor

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